This past year, 5776, has been a strong year for The Hadassah Foundation!

  • We awarded $550,000 to outstanding groups in the United States and in Israel that are bringing the issues of women and girls from the margins to the center of Jewish concern—up from $450,000 last year;
  • We awarded the eighth annual Bernice S. Tannenbaum Prize to Lilach Tzur Ben-Moshe, who founded and directs a Foundation grantee, Turning the Tables, which offers vocational training in the fashion industry to Israeli women looking to exit prostitution;  
  • We released a new video about the Foundation and our Tannenbaum Prize winner, which is now posted on YouTube; and
  • 10 current and former Foundation grantees have been cited by the Slingshot Fund as being among the most innovative organizations in the Jewish community.

In the coming year, we anticipate a range of activities in honor of our “chai” year of grant making, and hope you will help us mark this achievement!


As we count our blessings as we begin the new year, we also redouble our commitment to tikkun olam.  Your support of The Hadassah Foundation helps improve the lives women and girls in both the U.S. and Israel.   Please consider making a donation at Your contribution will enable us to find solutions to gender inequality in our lifetimes. 


We wish you and your loved ones a Shana Tova!