Grantee Organizations
Hadassah Foundation programs and grants elevate and empower women and girls in leadership roles, confront gender-based violence, increase female political representation — and much more. In 25 years of grantmaking, we have awarded almost $12 million to 113 organizations in Israel and the U.S. We award grants in four categories; all (except Discretionary grants) are multi-year, and many provide general operating support. We are accepting Core grant proposals from Israeli organizations until March 12.
Grant Categories
Visionary Partner
Exemplifying our values of building partnerships and embodying trust-based philanthropy, these unrestricted grants of $130,000 paid over five years are for mission-aligned organizations with strong track records as previous grantees.

Israel Women’s Network
Grant Cycle: 2024-2029
Israel Women’s Network (IWN) has been advancing gender equality and women’s rights in Israel for 40 years. Alongside its efforts to eradicate gender-based violence and to promote gender equality awareness and education in Israeli society, the IWN promotes gender equality in the workplace, in public spaces, and in government allocations of resources.
Jewish Women International (JWI)
Grant Cycle: 2022-2027
Based in the U.S., JWI works to empower women and girls – of every race, culture, ability, gender identity, and sexual orientation – by ensuring and protecting their safety, building access to long-term economic security, and lifting and mentoring women leaders.
Moving Traditions
Grant Cycle: 2023-2028
Moving Traditions emboldens Jewish youth to thrive through the pursuit of personal wellbeing (shleimut), caring relationships (hesed), and a Jewish and feminist vision of equity and justice (tzedek). It combines positive psychology with Jewish values and partners with Jewish institutions across North America to engage Jewish teens, families, and communities.
Grant Cycle: 2022-2027
A nonpartisan Israeli NGO, WePower helps women to advance to top level decision-making and elected positions, thus propelling social change and leading to a more equal and just civil society.
Core Grants
For leading organizations and programs that promote gender equity in Israel or the U.S., these $80,000 grants are awarded over three years.

Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel (ARCCI)
Grant Cycle: 2024-2027
ARCCI is the national umbrella organization for Israel’s rape crisis centers. It advocates for laws, amendments, rights, services, and policies to benefit survivors of sexual violence.
Eden Association
Grant Cycle: 2024-2027
Based in the Gaza Envelope region of Israel, the Eden Association strives to achieve gender equality by initiating, launching and delivering programs, and executing projects for women of all ages. The association specializes in complex post-trauma therapy, in creating trauma-oriented spaces and in providing support to individuals undergoing personal change.
Forum Dvorah
Grant Cycle: 2023-2026
Forum Dvorah is the only organization in Israel focusing on gender equality in key decision-making positions in the fields of national security and foreign policy. It manages a network of over 200 leading women in Israel in these fields and supports the next generation of leadership among young women.
Fuente Latina
Grant Cycle: 2024-2027
A nonprofit and nonpartisan media organization, Fuente Latina engages and educates non-Jewish Hispanics worldwide about the Jewish world and Israel through mainstream Spanish-language legacy news (TV, radio, print) and digital/social media.
Gender Equity in Hiring Project
Grant Cycle: 2023-2026
The Gender Equity in Hiring Project challenges gender bias in hiring and employment processes in North American Jewish organizational life, to help women rise into positions of leadership. It equips Jewish organizations with knowledge and support as they develop the mindset, skills, and strategies necessary to support the Jewish community as they advocate for and experiment with organizational change and culture shifts.
Spark Grants
Awarded to innovative organizations in early stages of development that are addressing a gap in the field of gender equity, these grants are for $20,000 paid over an 18-month period.

ASLI: Israel White Ribbon Organization
Grant Cycle: 2023-2025
ASLI: Israel White Ribbon Organization works to engage men and boys in the effort to eliminate violence towards women in both public and private spheres. ASLI is the only men-led and men-oriented organization in Israel working to prevent violence against women.
Grant Cycle: 2023-2025
Based in the United States, Kamochah aims to normalize the presence and experiences of Black Orthodox Jews in all sectors of Jewish communal life, including camps, schools, and synagogues. In addition, it celebrates the richness of Black Jews’ racial heritage while holding fast to Torah observance.
The Friendship League of Culture and Sports
Grant Cycle: 2023-2025
The Friendship League of Culture and Sports empowers women and girls from diverse cultural, ethnic and religious communities in Israel by engaging them in the highly participatory game of catchball. (This grant is underwritten by the Julie Morris Ner Tamid Fund, which was established in 2023 in memory of past board chair Julie Morris.)
Discretionary Grants
Distributed throughout the year in response to time-sensitive activities and urgent needs these are onetime payments of $5,000.

Association for Rape Crisis Centers in Israel (ARCCI)
Granted in 2023
ARCCI is the national umbrella organization for Israel’s rape crisis centers. It advocates for laws, amendments, rights, services, and policies to benefit survivors of sexual violence. Funds supported ARCCI’s efforts to expand the capacity of its hotline and the resources of the crisis centers throughout Israel, initiate a campaign to encourage rape survivors to call the hotline for help, and raise international awareness on the gender-based war crimes committed by Hamas.
Beit Ruth for Young Women and Girls at Risk
Granted in 2023
Beit Ruth is a therapeutic long-term care facility and school for girls that is located on the outskirts of Afula, in northern Israel. Funds helped Beit Ruth heighten security measures and its emergency preparedness protocols and infrastructure.
Institute for Law and Philanthropy at Tel Aviv University
Granted in 2024
The institute conducts research and education on the role of philanthropy in Israel and provides legal guidance in integrating philanthropy into Israeli policies. All its research reports remark on the distinctions that gender plays in all aspects of philanthropy, including individual giving, the philanthropic process utilized by donors, the organizations selected for philanthropic support, and society’s overall perceptions of philanthropy.
Israel Women’s Network
Granted in 2023
Alongside its efforts to eradicate gender-based violence and to promote gender equality awareness and education in Israeli society, Israel Women’s Network promotes gender equality in the workplace, in public spaces, and in government allocations of resources. This discretionary grant helped expand IWN’s hotline that provides women who have lost their jobs or are unable to work due to the war with guidance on accessing government resources and information on their legal rights.
Itach Ma’aki: Women Lawyers for Social Justice
Granted in 2023
Itach Ma’aki: Women Lawyers for Social Justice is an Israeli advocacy organization working to advance the status of women in Israeli public and private life. This discretionary grant supported Itach Ma’aki’s efforts to co-lead Israel’s only emergency center that is jointly run by Jewish and Arab organizations, and is providing provisions and needed services throughout the south of Israel.
Jewish Women’s Collective Response
This fund, co-created by Hadassah Foundation and Elluminate in 2024 awarded five grants of $25,000 each to support, elevate and empower Israeli women in the aftermath of October 7. Learn more about the fund here.
Adva Center
Adva is a leading Israeli progressive think tank that monitors social and economic developments and their impact on Israel’s diverse populations. Funds support its gender programming, including research, establishing gender budgeting throughout Israel, and courses and lectures.
Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel
ARCCI is the national umbrella organization for Israel’s rape crisis centers. It advocates for laws, amendments, rights, services, and policies to benefit survivors of sexual violence.
Itach Ma’aki: Women Lawyers for Social Justice
Itach Ma’aki: Women Lawyers for Social Justice is an Israeli advocacy organization working to advance the status of women in Israeli public and private life. From workplaces to local municipalities to governmental bodies and the home, it is committed to furthering women’s legal rights, socio-economic advancement and representation.
Ruth and Emanuel Rackman Center
Based at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, the Rackman Center promotes the status and rights of women in matters of family law and works to end gender discrimination and inequality in Israel through advocacy and legislative change.
A nonpartisan Israeli NGO, WePower helps women to advance to top level decision-making and elected positions, thus propelling social change and leading to a more equal and just civil society.
2023 Israel Emergency Grants
These grants were approved in October 2023 in response to the crisis triggered by Hamas’ October 7 attacks.
Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America
Granted in 2023
Shortly after October 7, the Hadassah Foundation made an emergency gift of $36,000 in support of Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO)’s indispensable services and expertise in healing and saving the lives of Israel’s most severely injured victims.
Jewish Federation of North America (JFNA) Israel Crisis Fund
Granted in 2023
Shortly after October 7, the Hadassah Foundation donated $10,000 to this crisis fund.
News & Events
Our Approach
We support organizations that work through a gender lens and that are creating social change. Learn what that means and about our grantmaking practices. Read more
For Grantseekers
The Hadassah Foundation awards grants in four categories to Israeli and U.S. organizations. Learn about our grants and how to apply. Read more
Past Discretionary Grants
Moving Traditions
Granted in 2022
Moving Traditions emboldens Jewish youth to thrive through the pursuit of personal wellbeing, caring relationships, and a Jewish and feminist vision of equity and justice. This grant supported efforts to help teens engage with reproductive rights work in response to the June 2022 overturning of Roe v. Wade.
Project Kesher Israel
Granted in 2022
Project Kesher Israel advocates on behalf of the needs of the Russian-speaking community in Israel and provides direct services to women who experience gender-based violence, need legal assistance with their personal status or obtaining a Jewish divorce, require eldercare services, or aim to improve their financial literacy. This grant supported increased services, including mental health, legal support, and education for women Ukrainian and Russian refugees and immigrants in Israel.
Past Spark Grants
COVID Response Grants
With a dramatic increase in calls to Israel’s domestic abuse hotlines since the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, the Hadassah Foundation quickly launched a COVID-19 Response Fund. The selected grant recipients were:
Association of Rape Crisis Centers: The convener of Israel’s rape crisis centers that advocates on behalf of policies that promote women’s safety and support survivors of gender-based violence.
Israel Women’s Network: An organization focused on women’s equality that is lobbying the new Knesset and national government administration to implement needed domestic violence reforms.
Kayan: A feminist movement that advances the status and protects the rights of Arab women in Israel, is translating important domestic violence information into Arabic, expanding their culturally responsive helpline, and advising local Arab-women leaders on the ways to respond to COVID-19 and the domestic violence crisis.
Jewish Women’s Collective Response Fund
The Jewish Women’s Collective Response Fund, convened and facilitated by The Hadassah Foundation, was comprised of five women’s funds – Greater Miami Jewish Federation Women’s Amutot Initiative, Israel Lions of Judah, Jewish Women’s Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago, Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta, and The Hadassah Foundation. The Collective Response Fund was created to provide sorely needed financial resources during this pandemic to Israeli nonprofit organizations that support survivors of domestic violence.
Tahel: The Crisis Center for Religious Women and Children: With 85 percent of its clientele coming from the Haredi population, Tahel provides emotional support, advice, and referrals for women and children in times of crisis.
Women’s Spirit: Providing tools, knowledge, and support for the economic independence and personal development of women survivors of violence.
MASLAN: The Negev’s Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Support Center: One of nine crisis centers in Israel, offers emergency services and counseling for people located throughout the Negev region.
Past Israel Grantees
Year of most recent grant is listed in parentheses.
A Step Forward (2007)
Achoti (2008)
Adva Center (2022)
Al Zahraa Organization for Women (2001)
ANU (2018)
Beit Ruth (2023)
Center for Jewish Arab Economic Development (2012)
Center for Women’s Justice (2021)
Citizens’ Accord Forum Between Jews and Arabs (2008)
Counseling Center for Women (2007)
Economic Empowerment for Women (2022)
The Falk Institute (2002)
The Haifa Battered Women’s Hotline (2002)
Hebrew University NCJW Research (2017) Institute for Innovation in Education
Isha L’Isha (2017)
Israel Association for the Advancement of Women’s Health (2003)
Israel Religious Action Center (2007)
IT Works (2018)
Jasmine (2020)
Jerusalem Intercultural Center (2015)
Kav LaOved—Worker’s Hotline (2017)
Kayan (2020)
Kol Ha-Isha (2008)
Koret Israel Economic Development Funds (2007)
Latet (2016)
Machshava Tova (2017)
Mahut Center
Mavoi Satum (2002)
Merchavim (2022)
Microfy (2018)
Negev Institute for Strategies of Peace and Development (2020)
Nivcharot (2020)
Olim Beyahad (2014)
PresenTense (2017)
Project Kesher Israel (2022)
Rabbis for Human Rights (2013)
Shatil—New Israel Fund (2018)
SHIN (2019)
Sidreh (2015)
Supportive Community (2013)
The Taub Center (2018)
Tel Aviv University Law School (2007)
Theatre Company Jerusalem (2002)
Tishreen (2018)
The Tmura Center (2018)
Turning the Tables (2018)
Van Leer Institute, The Center for the Advancement of Women in the Public Sphere (2015)
Women Against Violence (2014)
Women of the Wall (2002)
Workers’ Advice Center—Ma’an (2017)
Yedid (2018)
Yozmot Atid (2021)
Past United States Grantees
Year of most recent grant is listed in parentheses.
AVODAH: The Jewish Service Corps (2015)
Challah for Hunger (2017)
District of Columbia JCC (2002)
Edith and Carl Marks JCH of Bensonhurst (2018)
F.E.G.S. Long Island Division (2005)
Hazon (2011)
Hebrew Free Loan Society, New York City (2011)
Hillel UCLA (2014)
JCC Chicago (2018)
JCC Manhattan (2003)
Jewish Community Relations Council of NY (2015)
Jewish Family & Life (2002)
Jewish Family Service of San Diego (2016)
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago (2018)
Jewish Free Loan Association, Los Angeles (2011)
Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (2013)
Jewish Theological Seminary (2008)
Jewish Women’s Archive (2019)
Keshet (2013)
Lilith Magazine (2018)
Lookstein Virtual Jewish Academy (2018)
Mayyim Hayyim (2008)
McLean Hospital (2008)
Nishmah (2017)
Ohio State University Hillel (2001)
Reclaiming Judaism (2002)
Shalom Bayit (2013)
Shalom Hartman Institute of North America (2016)
Shalom Task Force (2021)
Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale (2002)
St. Louis JCC/Nishmah (2017)
UCLA Hillel (2014)
Union for Reform Judaism (2006)
Women’s Sports Foundation (2007)