December 21, 2021

Preventing Gender Based Violence: New Initiatives in the North American Jewish Community

Photo: Anete Lusina

On Dec. 21st, the Hadassah Foundation in partnership with JWI and Shalom Task Force led a program on new initiatives to prevent and raise awareness of domestic violence in the Jewish community.

This past year, 911 dispatchers experienced an 8% increase in calls related to domestic violence disputes. Advocates report abuse being increasingly volatile and speculate that many more aren’t reporting abuse. 


Dr. Shoshannah Frydman, Executive Director, Shalom Task Force
Dr. Frydman shared Shalom Task Force’s newest tactics to prevent domestic violence and foster healthy relationships. 

Meredith Jacobs, CEO, JWI
Meredith explained the ways the Jewish community is impacted by domestic violence, the elements of JWI’s newest initiative: the National Center on Domestic & Sexual Violence in the Jewish Community, and shared key aspects of the Center’s prevention efforts

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