by Hadassah Foundation Webmaster | Feb 2, 2022
On Dec. 21st, the Hadassah Foundation in partnership with JWI and Shalom Task Force led a program on new initiatives to prevent and raise awareness of domestic violence in the Jewish community. This past year, 911 dispatchers experienced an 8% increase in calls...
by Hadassah Foundation Webmaster | Sep 23, 2021
On October 13, The Hadassah Foundation and the Jewish Women’s Funding Network held an educational briefing on the State of Israel through a Gender Lens to learn from Hamutal Gouri and Anat Saragusti about Israel’s most pressing social and political issues...
by superadmin | May 10, 2021
On Monday, May 10, we were joined by Ruth Wasserman Lande to discuss her first-hand experience as a woman in Israeli politics and diplomacy, her insider’s perspective on the Arab-Israeli conundrum, and her vision to eradicate violence in Israel. Ruth Wasserman...
by Hadassah Foundation Webmaster | Nov 10, 2020
On November 9, the Hadassah Foundation and the Jewish Women’s Collective Response Fund hosted leaders of the three grant recipients to learn about their cutting-edge programs and campaigns designed to support survivors of violence. Presenters included: Debbie...
by Hadassah Foundation Webmaster | Jun 24, 2020
The Hadassah Foundation launched a response fund to address the sharp rise of domestic violence in Israel in connection to COVID-19. This webinar from June 24, 2020, features a conversation with bold leaders from three cutting-edge feminist organizations in Israel...