Moving Traditions

Moving Traditions

Moving Traditions emboldens Jewish youth to thrive through the pursuit of personal wellbeing (shleimut), caring relationships (hesed), and a Jewish and feminist vision of equity and justice (tzedek). It combines positive psychology with Jewish values and partners with...


QueenB was founded in 2016 with the aim of increasing the representation of Israeli women in the high-tech industry, in order to promote gender equality and equal employment opportunities. QueenB operates on two main tracks: offering after-school programming classes...
The Friendship League of Culture and Sports

The Friendship League of Culture and Sports

The Friendship League of Culture and Sports empowers women and girls from diverse cultural, ethnic and religious communities in Israel by engaging them in the highly participatory game of catchball. (This grant is underwritten by the Julie Morris Ner Tamid Fund, which...
Beit Ruth for Young Women and Girls at Risk

Beit Ruth for Young Women and Girls at Risk

Beit Ruth is a therapeutic long-term care facility and school for girls that is located on the outskirts of Afula, in northern Israel. Funds helped Beit Ruth heighten security measures and its emergency preparedness protocols and infrastructure.