East Jerusalem residents typically study at colleges and universities in the West Bank or Jordan. For those who study in the allied health professions, such as nursing, physical therapy, and occupational therapy and want to work in their home community, where there is a shortage of qualified Arabic speaking health professions, passing the mandatory Israeli Ministry of Health certification exams can be challenging, since their studies do not always align with the content of the exams. With funding from the Hadassah Foundation, the Jerusalem Intercultural Center has developed test-preparation courses for these professionals, the majority of whom are female. Above, three members of the first class of nursing students who passed the certification exam with the help of JICC lead a tour of their workplace, Murkassed Hospital in East Jerusalem.
Jewish Intercultural Center Helping E. Jerusalem Health Workers Pass Certification Exams
by SBlumenkranz | Mar 25, 2014 | Blog | 0 comments