Israel Women’s Network Charts Measures Against Women

August 17, 2023

Women’s rights are under attack in Israel right now. Fortunately, a strong community of women’s rights NGOs and activists, exists — developed and nurtured in large part by the Hadassah Foundation’s almost 25 years of grantmaking — and they are fighting back.

The Israel Women’s Network, a Hadassah Foundation grantee, has produced a helpful resource: a timeline charting measures against women since November, when the current governing coalition came to power. In addition, make sure to read the New York Times article, “Growing Segregation by Sex in Israel Raises Fears for Women’s Rights”, which quotes Ruth Halperin-Kaddari of HF grantee The Rackman Center for the Advancement of the Status of Women. Find more resources, including what other grantees are saying in our post from August 7, “How Our Grantees Are Responding to Israel’s Judicial Overhaul.”



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