Honoring Julie Morris on Her Birthday

Honoring Julie Morris on Her Birthday

Today our beloved past chair Julie Morris would have turned 81. Last year we raised over $265,000 in Julie’s memory, establishing the Julie Morris Ner Tamid Fund which spreads the light that Julie shared with so many people during her remarkable life. (Learn...
Request for Proposals from U.S.-Based Organizations

Request for Proposals from U.S.-Based Organizations

The Hadassah Foundation is requesting grant proposals from U.S.-based organizations that strengthen the leadership capacity and role of self-identifying women and girls in the U.S. Jewish community. Download the complete request for proposals and application questions...
New Look, Enduring Commitment to Women and Girls

New Look, Enduring Commitment to Women and Girls

The Hadassah Foundation is turning 25, and we are commemorating our quarter century of impact with a fresh logo and tagline: Justice Equity. Change. Welcome to our new easy-to-navigate website, where you can watch our video, meet our grant recipients, learn about our...
At Passover, Honoring Courageous Women

At Passover, Honoring Courageous Women

A Passover message from Hadassah Foundation Chair Audrey Weiner and Director Stephanie Blumenkranz: As we prepare to sit at our seder tables this year, the conflict and challenges detailed in the Passover story feel particularly resonant. However, the story is also...