Meet Our New Board Members

Meet Our New Board Members

The Hadassah Foundation is delighted to welcome five accomplished women to our board of directors: Dr. Olga Brawman-Mintzer of Charleston, SC; Stacey Aviva Flint of Longmont, CO; Avra Gordis of New York City; Kathy Hershfield of Boston; and Lida Sharlin of Sunny Isles...
2024 Grantmaking Update

2024 Grantmaking Update

The Hadassah Foundation awards grants in four categories to Israeli and U.S. organizations: Visionary Partner, Core, Spark and Discretionary. If you represent an organization that meets the guidelines listed here and would like to be notified about funding...
Next Steps for Women in Israel

Next Steps for Women in Israel

On December 19, hundreds of people attended “The War’s Impact on Women in Israel,” featuring Dr. Cochav Elkayam Levy of the Civil Commission on Oct. 7 Crimes By Hamas Against Women and Children ; Tal Hochman of Israel Women’s Network; and...
The War’s Impact on Women in Israel

The War’s Impact on Women in Israel

More than 1,000 people registered for this December 19 program. Scroll down for biographies of the speakers. Find resources and action items shared by program speakers and cosponsors here. Learn more here about what the Hadassah Foundation and our grantee...