WePower Launches Gender Equity Accelerator

Earlier this month, United Nations’ 67th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, our Visionary Partner grantee WePower launched its Gender Equity Accelerator, an effort to bring together leaders from a variety of sectors and industries to dramatically increase the number of women in leadership positions.

Thank you to Lonye Rasch, a former Hadassah Foundation board member, who joined Hadassah Foundation staff and former Board Chair Sue Beller at the launch, and wrote about it here on Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America’s website.

Based in Israel, WePower is one of our two inaugural Visionary Partner grantees (the other is Jewish Women International [JWI]), recipients of $130,000 in unrestricted funds over five years. The new grants emerged from our recent strategic plan. Leaders from both Visionary Partner organizations joined us at our board meeting in Miami last week to share insights and explore ways we can work together to increase our collective impact. Later this week we’ll be sharing highlights from a special conversation in Miami between JWI CEO Meredith Jacobs and WePower Founder Michal Yudin.


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