Earlier this month, the Hadassah Foundation attending a program sponsored by Amplifier, an organization that helps "giving circles"–groups of people who pool their money to make joint philanthropic gifts–work more effectively.  Many nonprofits are creating giving circles as a way to better engage donors, and representatives of giving circles from across the United States (and some from overseas!) came to the gathering.
Although the Foundation is not a giving circle, some of the benefits of participating in a giving circle, e.g. donors feel more knowledgeable about their philanthropy, feel like they are part of something larger than themselves, and their pooled money enables them to make larger gifts, also applies to the work of the dedicated volunteers who sit on our Board.
Some of the Foundation's close philanthropic "allies," such as the Jewish Women's Fund of San Francisco and the Jewish Women's Foundation of the Greater Palm Beaches, also came to the gathering, as did representatives from one of the Foundation's newest grantees, Challah for Hunger.  Above, Amanda Winer (left) and Rachel Hirsch (middle), members of Challah for Hunger's Young Funders Committee, learned about ways to strengthen that organization's giving circles for young alum.