The Hadassah Foundation's grantees were well-represented at the 9th International Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA) Conference this past weekend. The more than 1200 in attendance were able to go to sessions that featured Rabba Sara Hurwitz (a former Bernice S. Tannenbaum Prize winner), and speakers from current grantees Shalom Hartman Institute of North America and the Jewish Women's Archive, and former grantee Moving Traditions.  JOFA itself is also a former Foundation grantee. 
Many of the sessions focused on the growing number and influence of women who have been ordained and serving as clergy in the Orthodox world–a number of whom were ordained by the seminary that Rabba Hurwitz founded and still leads, Yeshivat Maharat.
(Pictured above: Avigayil Halpern, who participated in JWA's Rising Voices Fellowship program, which is supported by the Foundation, and JWA's Executive Director, Dr. Judith Rosenbaum.  Dr. Rosenbaum moderated a panel about Jewish feminism across the denominations, and Avigayil was one of the speakers.)